Monday, May 03, 2010

On Love and Luck

I spent the weekend with my parents as they came to visit for a few days. My dad hasn't been since we moved INTO our apartment and my mom hasn't been since late October so it was fun to have them around show them all of our favorite places. Also, with my sister moving to a new apartment and me moving to Vermont we got a little bit of a jump-start on the moving process.

I know everyone probably feels like their parents are THE BEST, and they are probably REALLY great, but my parents? Are above and beyond normal greatness. They arrived late Thursday night and woke up when Sister 2 and I headed to work. My dad and I grabbed coffee at Dunkin' Donuts then we left for school and my parents headed to Greenwich to pick up a couch I had purchased on Craig's List. They drove it back to my apartment and brought it upstairs.

They met us at school for lunch, Mystery Bag and Poetry Cafe. They do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that we need them to without even CARING. We shopped, my dad got a new cell phone, we went out to dinner(s) and breakfast and then, as the weekend was nearing it's end they helped me pack their car with everything I was sending home, drove it home, and unpacked it when they got there.

Most of my friends/family are responsible for all of this stuff by themselves. I am so grateful to have parents who really don't mind helping us out.

And? They were the last ones standing with me at the bar Saturday night. Then, we ordered a 6pack of Mic Ultra back to the room.

Seriously. My parents rock.

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