Is it Friday Yet?
I did get to go out and do a little shopping which I seriously have not done enough of yet! I got some pretty great things that I cannot wait to wear!
The sweater was on sale at Old Navy and is the perfect weight for spring, and the bathing suite... ah...I can't wait to lounge by the pool in it!
In an effort to "know" all of my blogging friends a little a big better, I've been wondering, how did all of you end up where you currently are? Location, career, how you met your significant other, etc. I've thought about this a lot lately, and I'm wondering if you stayed close to home, went far from where you grew up, are close to your families? If you feel like sharing, I'd love to know! Or, just post about it and let me know when it's up! I'll work on my "sharing" post too!
My boyfriend arrives Friday morning... I'm counting down the days. We're going to check out where he'll be living/working for the summer and I'm having a dinner party for a few of my friends while he's here!
Well I ended up in Nashville since I decided to attend grad school at Vandy. I grew up in Alabama, but went to a women's college in Virginia. I have never been a big winter person and when it snowed eight times in six weeks my senior year, I crossed the northern grad schools off my list. I live close enough to home now that I can relatively easily get home for a weekend here and there. I am really looking forward to going home for Easter :) Hope you enjoy my story
I'm in Jacksonville because my parents live here and when I returned from France last year I was not only unemployed, but also beyond broke. I had every intention of getting out of here as quickly as possible, but I seem to be making a life here now.
Hope you had a great weekend, LOVE the suit!
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