Friday, March 16, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

St. Patrick's Day is tomorrow! I hope that everyone enjoys a fun, green-filled weekend! While I love St. Patrick's Day and all of it's activities, I prefer to celebrate my Irish hertiage daily with a claddagh ring:
The claddagh design represents frienship (hands), love (heart) and loyalty (crown). My grandparents wore matching claddagh rings- - my mom inherited her mom's when she passed away- - but my mom doesn't like to wear it so I got it instead! That particular ring is gold (I wear mostly silver) so I keep it in my jewelry box and wear it when it appropriately matches my ensemble. I have though, worn a silver claddagh everyday with the heart facing appropriately towards me (my heart is taken) or away from me (my heart is open for the taking) since I was in fourth grade and got my first ring. Actually, all of the girls in my family do- - It's a little reminder for us everyday of our family and extended family and how much we mean to each other and how much fun we have when we're together.

And here's to having my claddagh facing me (heart is taken) for two years on Sunday...


Blogger Allie_in_Ga said...

Happy St. Patty's Day! Congrats on 2 years!

10:14 AM  
Blogger MMM said...

I had a claddagh ring was I was younger that I wore every day. I loved it!

12:56 PM  

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