Friday, January 08, 2010

Low Key Morning

This morning we had a 90minute delay. I, of course, went to bed last night at 8:30 so I was WIDE awake by the time the 5:43am phone call came. I relaxed this morning nonetheless. I woke up, made some tea, sat DOWN to drink it instead of throwing it in a travel mug and rushing out the door. I made a couple of phone calls to friends (my friends love me and don't mind that I call SUPER early), brushed off the cars (including the super-b*tch neighbor who lives downstairs from us- - New Year's resolutions, WHAT!!!!!), I just took. my. time. And? It was awesome.

Today is also my rest day for working out which probably has something to do with the enjoyable morning. I didn't wake up at 5am to be at boxing or at the gym cranking out the miles on a treadmill.

I also ate 5 munchkins today which doesn't say too much for my diet. Damn it.

Tonight we have a huge Jazzercise event which my sister is accompanying me to. It's going to be a great weekend.

Happy Friday!



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