Sunday, October 11, 2009

I am heading home this weekend for what is sure to be a jam-packed couple of days. My favorite bar has been closed for a month (nasty law suit pending) and tonight? It’s opening back up. I’m obviously meeting friends there for a few drinks. Of course, two of The Boys will be there as well. One? I have plans to go hiking with tomorrow and really, is very definitely in the friend zone. The other? Wouldn’t return any of my phone calls all week because, and I quote, “It seems like you want to be my girlfriend and I don’t want a girlfriend. I don’t want to deal with any of that stuff right now.”


I want to be his GIRLFRIEND?!?!?!?!??! PUHLEEEEZE! He’s obviously living in a dream world. Just to clarify, I don’t want to be his girlfriend. I think he’s just forgetting that we, before he decided to like me, were ACTUALLY friends. Friends call each other sometime. Friends care about each other. So… seeing him tonight will be interesting. I’m not exactly sure how it will go over but chances are I’ll have a Mic Ultra or vanilla vodka and diet coke in hand so I don’t really care.

And Jax. Oh Jax. He couldn’t be any sweeter, and nicer, really, any more perfect except for the fact that he’s just… a little boring. He doesn’t bring much to the table in terms of conversation, which is so difficult for a chatterbox like myself. I mean, it’s not as though I’m lacking conversation topics it’s just that he doesn’t really bring up any of his own. Other than that though- - he’s fantastic. Really. He’s kind of everything I would want in a boyfriend minus that one (and maybe two other) pieces. We’ll see how this one plays out, but for right now- - I’m playing it pretty cool.

Happy Fall!



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