Thursday, August 31, 2006

Tennis Anyone?

The US Open is under way and tonight marks what could be the ending of an era. I have been watching every match that I can but no matches this Open have me at the edge of my seat like Andre’s. Agassi has been an unequivocal inspiration for tennis as a sport, an emotion and a lifestyle. His contributions and approach to tennis and charity will always be remembered and I’m sure that there are many endeavors still to come. However, for now, what I really want to see from Andre is a HUGE presence tonight against Baghdatis (and in the Open Finals) I love Baghdtis and his devotion and passion, but Andre is a legend - - he made it last year, and I’m routing for him.

And congrats to Andy Roddick for a big win on his 24th Birthday!

Other big matches today... Nadal, S. Williams, Henin-Herdenne, Sharapova

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Check this out. While I fully support gun control I don't appreciate being showcased on a huge billboard outside of Fenway that is not completely complimentary.

(I don't know how to make a hyperlink... I'm working on it!)


Only in Vermont does it go from 102degrees to 62... in 12 hours. :) Gosh, I LOVERMONT

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It's Working!

I think that I've finally figured everything out. I haven't quite decided if this is going to be a tell-all document(story) of my life or just about fun things that I come across! If you have any suggestions... please post 'em!