Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I had the most wonderful birthday and birthday weekend. I have lots of stories to share but grad school is kicking my butt at the moment and I don't have a lot of time to share. I wanted to share with you though, a beautiful bracelet I received as a gift.

Opals and diamonds... love it.


Friday, October 24, 2008

24 Candles... Whoa Oh Oh Oh

To Me!

My family is arriving for dinner tonight to get the celebration started!


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Good Luck

To Molly who begins her wedding weekend today. Through all of her wedding planning I've laughed with her, cried with her, and? Now it's (finally!) here. All the best to you and Michael... you deserve it!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It Didn't Come

You know, what I'd been waiting for? I did get a phone call that could fit the bill, but it wasn't the one that I wanted so? That doesn't count.

I have some ridiculous stories from living in the New House that I really need to share with all of you but I don't have time this morning. Also? It's that time of the semester where EVERYTHING is due all of the sudden and in the next two weeks I have:
-10 page paper due
-30 min presentation
-20 min presentation
-20 min discussion lead

And? My family is coming to visit for the weekend so I won't be doing any work over the weekend which means I've got to get it done. THIS WEEK. As in, tonight. Tomorrow night. and Thursday night. Bleh.


Monday, October 20, 2008

I've been waiting

for something... and this is my horoscope today:

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Things are returned to you: phone calls, favors, affection ... whatever you put out there. It's nice to know that what you thought was lost in the void is not lost at all. Everything matters.

Think its coming? I sure hope so...


Thursday, October 16, 2008


Since moving to CT I haven't been overly lonely at all. I was so busy at my last house that I hardly had time to be lonely and I've been away the first two weekends at the new house, so again, no loneliness. This week was the first week that I have really been at the new house full time though, and? Guess what? I'm feeling a little lonely.

I'm enjoying not being in a serious relationship and I have a ton of friends but I was on the phone with a friend last night I was just saying that, while I love the freedom that I have, I would really like to come to someone at the end of the day. Or be at home waiting for someone to come home. Or even just meeting someone out at the end of the day. Just someone to share my thoughts with, relax and hang out with. Not just anybody though, someone who wanted all of those things too. Someone who wanted ME to be there at the end of the day. Someone who wanted to look forward to coming to home to ME.

It seems silly, I know. I'm still young, I have plenty to do, I just feel as though there is a small void in my life that I really want filled. While I was home last weekend I spent time with a couple who I just met for the first time and they really loved each other. It was sweet and endearing and it made me want exactly what they had.

I've done high school relationships, I've done college relationships, I've done inappropriate relationships and I've done long distance. What I've never had is something easy. Something that didn't require a lot of effort. Don't get me wrong, I know relationships are hard work, I know they're not always easy but I'm hoping that sometime I will find something that... well? That just works. It works for me, it works for them, and together? We work perfectly.

I think I know exactly what I want...

I'm just scared that it's not going to work out.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thanksgiving Football

You guys are probably sick of all of the Thanksgiving football talk, I know. The email chain that it has created is worth sharing though, I think you’ll appreciate it. ☺ You can read the original email below:

8:26 am from Friend #2: Great email S. I’m sure the boys will want in. I’ll ask my brother in-laws too. –P

8:32am from Friend #1: Yes the more people we have the less we have to run, which I think is good for everyone involved. I forgot to mention that there will be mandatory 20min stretching period for everyone over the age of 21. We don't want any pulled hamis.

9:03am Friend #2: My sister sounds really excited about it and said the kids will definitely play. Greg will too. Here are my sister's email addresses as well as my mom's. They are all in.

9:45am Me forwarding to my family: Hey Everyone, See email from S below- - we brainstormed in the car yesterday (in between the ridiculous discussions about G) and this is what he's come up with. We need to know asap if everyone is going to be around at Thanksgiving (A, we already know- - you're out). Don't worry if you don't know what a chop block is, we'll figure it out. S signed his email "Commissioner" so I guess that makes me...

Assistant Commissioner.

Damn straight. :)

9:53 am from Sister #3: hahahah im soo mad im not going to be here but i would still like to receive a jersey!!!!! Lol

10:15am from Friend #1 (S): Of course you can still get a jersey. I'll see what we can do about transferring the live feed of the game over seas. If that doesn't work though I'm sure the highlights will be on sportscenter on Friday.

10:54am from my Dad: will there be a first aid tent set up?? (: ( not for me )

11:12am from Me: first aid will be dealt with on an "as necessary" basis. :)

11:13 am from Sister #4: Hahahaha! Sounds fun! I'm in! :) lets just not tell anyone that I have NO idea what any of the rules/terms are....

11:20am from Friend #1 (S): haha, i'm loving the responses...by the way i already have a trophy picked out, i'm just in the process of personalizing it....

11:26am from my Dad: I think you might need a videographer for those "close" plays??

11:39am from Sister #2: I'm in...but you're chances of getting me to play seriously will definitely improve with mimosas.

11:58am from Friend #1 (S): Although you might be playing serious, I don't think you will be able to hear the plays that are being called so it could get interesting.


8:39am from Friend #2: This is from my Mom and sister. They said they would make some food or something.

8:40am from Friend #1: (image of jerseys)

8:45am from friend #1: Okay, love this. Nick names coming soon.

(I won’t add all of the nickname emails because you guys wouldn’t appreciate them I don’t think…)

7:22am from Friend #1: A reminder that nicknames and full rosters will have to be put together by Friday. A couple of rules I was thinking of though.
1) If this is going to be a tradition I'm sure there will be a time when "significant others" will be coming to dinners. However, pre-proposal significant others will get the nickname "wannabe" until otherwise noted.
2) There will be two, what I like to call "hydration stations" on the sidelines. A kids table denoted by the smiley face :) and the grown up table denoted by the frowning/hungover face :(.
3) although flags will be hanging from our waist, any accidental grab of anything other then the flag will be considered non-accidental.
4) The Commish continues to reserve the right to add more inappropriate rules at whatever time is deemed necessary.

Have a good day and keep thinking of those nicknames.


Privacy Fence

I, like many other bloggers, have thought about the benefits of going private. While that has never been my choice, lately there have been some things going on that I'd rather not have "out there" for anyone to see. I like the openness of non-private and think that's probably how I'll stay, but, you guys? Seriously? If I went private there would be some fantastically better stories than what you've gotten lately.

I don't know why I'm really worried about this, I'm pretty sure there's only about 5 of you who read regularly anyway! It's just that I've got so much to say and no real venue to say it!


Monday, October 13, 2008

New Thanksgiving Plans

Yesterday afternoon as my friend I were driving from VT back to CT we were discussing how the next time we're going to be home is for Thanksgiving. We always like to have something to look forward to and plan for so we were brainstorming about a Thanksgiving Day flag football game with our friends and family and thus... Wishbone Bowl 2008 was born. We excitedly discussed for the remainder of the car ride and when I came into work this morning, this is what was in my inbox:

Alright so this is a very preliminary agenda but I this is what I'm
thinking. Constructive feedback is welcomed and may be disregarded.

Wishbone bowl 2008 will be played at 8:30AM Thursday November 27th
(thanksgiving morning). The field is TBD.

We are looking at putting together 2 teams, hopefully around 6 or 7 on
each team. This will be a FLAG FOOTBALL game, chop blocks and full out
tackles will only be allowed if warranted.

We will pick teams the morning of the game. Jerseys and flags will be
provided (pls think of nicknames for the back of the jerseys because
last names get boring). Eye black/gloves/helmet/cleats will have to be
brought by yourself. Jerseys however will all have number 08 so pls do
not request any special numbers.

We will play 4 quarters (15/20 minute quarters depending on collective
shape of the team and weather). If we have 7 players per team. There
will be 1 QB and 6 Eligible receivers. (once again this is FLAG
FOOTBALL so don't be a playground loser). Offense has a max of 8 plays
per drive, with one first down. After the 7th play the offense can go
for a field goal (lame) or the all important "hail mary pass" (ala doug

Showboating and end zone celebrations are not only acceptable but

P/M - since you are bringing close to 90% of the team I expect you
to really by hyping up just how much FUN this is going to be.

Drinks - Depending on temperature (hot chocolate and ICE 101) or Mimosas
and bloody marry's. Hydration is very important so we will have "water"
time outs.

Winner of the first annual Wishbone bowl will receive a wishbone bowl
trophy, that will no doubt grow over the years in popularity to become
one of the most sought after pieces of hardware.

Pls send any suggestions to yours truly and I will see what we can do.


The commissioner.

I love my friends. :)


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Shop is Now Closed

The Kindergarteners love to play "shop" and sell donuts and cookies to their classmates during Center Time. They've even had their peers in the writing center make them money to buy these "goods." They've created two signs to go along with this game, one as you walk in the door:

"Goode Chop---->"


"The Chop is naw closd". (The Shop is Now Closed).

So cute.


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I Did It

Did I tell you guys that I decided to move to house with the dog? Well, I did. It was a tough decision, but in the end I figured walking one dog, twice a day was easier than watching 3 kids for 15-20 hours/week. My first walk was Sunday night and it's been going well since then.

I wasn't supposed to move until October 15th but the new lady asked if I could come sooner so I packed up my car last Friday afternoon and moved most of my stuff over Saturday morning after I taught a jazz class. Friday afternoon was ridiculous, I felt like I was Rocky running up and down three flights of stairs to get all of my stuff out to my car- - really, I was carrying nightstands, tables, bags, clothes and a desk. I got everything packed up sooner than I was anticipating so I called "New Lady" and asked if I could run over quickly to unload some things. She. Said. No. Can you believe it? Here I was, agreeing to move in a week and a half earlier than I anticipated and she just said NO!!!! I was pissed to the point of tears and had a minor meltdown but sucked it up and mentally prepared myself to move Saturday.

Saturday comes along and I've got a bad headache from too much gin Friday night and have to teach jazz but I head over to the new house right after and unload my whole car. Into the hallway. That's right, my space wasn't "availabe" for me to move into so I just had to leave my stuff in the hallway. I was all, omigod, WTF, but I smiled and headed out to my car to get the second load of stuff. I turned the key and...nothing. I tried again. Silence. My car battery died. In. Their. DRIVEWAY. I was really ready to have another meltdown but I got the car jumped and headed to a local mechanic to test the battery. They said I needed a new one (I'm not totally convinced I did, but I was standing around in my Jazz spandex so I wasn't interested in getting into an argument) so I dropped $200 for a new battery. Totally depressing.

After I got the second load of stuff dropped off I headed to the old house to shower and get the last few things that I had before I headed North (well, East really, but here in CT they're all directionally challenged) to my Jazzercise conference. I met a few of my favorite VT instructors at one of their sister's house and we had the BEST time. It was the first time since I moved down here that I was able to just. sit. down. And relax. And have (somewhat) of adult conversations. We ordered pizza, we drank wine, we laughed, we lamented. It was perfect and EXACTLY what I needed after Friday/Saturday.

I spent all day Sunday at jazz (and took a KICK-BUTT class) then headed back to Fairfield County to move all of my stuff into my room. I'm almost all settled and feeling good about everything but I'm heading home tomorrow for the long weekend (we celebrate every Jewish Holiday 'round here) and I cannot wait. It will be four days of not tying shoes, zipping backpacks, planning lessons and family-style lunches. Four days of not babysitting, dog-walking and dishwasher unloading. My heart is beating faster at the thought of it.

Not to mention, my friends will be around, we've got happy hour planned and my favorite bar is calling my name. One day to go and I'm Homeward Bound. :)

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Seriously Awesome

Coming to NYC in 2009- - check it out HERE.


Monday, October 06, 2008

Alcohol Rhymes

My youngest sister's away message Saturday night was,

"Red, red wine you make me feel so fine, you keep me rockin' all of the time"

So my mom, being the hip, techno expert that she is, wanted to IM her back the next line but didn't know what it was. She has my dad get on itunes and download the song but she was too impatient to get to the "rap" part so she's all, "This is NOT the song I'm thinking about!" She's totally disappointed that she's missing out on this opportunity to be comical but (finally) thinks of something to IM Katie and? My sister's offline.

She didn't want her lyrical prowess to go to waste so she TEXTS my sister (while she's at a party), "I see your red, red wine and I raise you, "Lite, lite beer you make me full of cheer, you keep me rockin' all of the year."

I think my family may be worse than the Kindergarteners. :)


Friday, October 03, 2008

I've Finally Found It

I know that I've alluded to the fact that I sweat ridiculously and uncontrollably in ANY kind of weather so when I heard a commercial about prescription-strength deodorant I knew that I wanted to try it. I haven't made it to the store (yet!) to pick up Degree- clinical protection, but yesterday I received a catalog in the mail, Athleta, and they offer sweat-wicking REGULAR clothes. It's a little on the pricey side so I'll have to start with one piece, but I cannot WAIT to try them out.

I'm usually all for bargain shopping when it comes to working out, I don't even pay full-price for my Jazzercise wear, but this- - well, I have to try it if it means that I won't be embarrassing myself with sweaty armpits and swamp-@$$.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008


I decided to go with the move. I told The Family about it Monday night after class and they were less than thrilled but after I explained my reasoning they were (a little) better. The move date is October 15th... I can't believe I'm moving again 6 weeks after the first move, but this one seems like it should last a while. :)

My sister's boyfriend was up in VT visiting her this past weekend so my mom sent down all of my mail and a bunch of goodies with him when he came back to CT yesterday. What a great surprise!

It's raining in CT today which means indoor recess. Greeeaaaat...
