Monday, June 30, 2008

Omigod, Omigod You Guys...

Saw Legally Blonde: The Musical Saturday afternoon...and Oh. My. God. You. Guys. It was awesome.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Packing for the weekend was successful! Thank you for your recommendations, I truly appreciate it. I'm trying to find images to show you what I picked! :)


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pick an Outfit Out

I am heading into NYC Saturday morning for a matinee show and I cannot. decide. what. to wear. I have lots of great summer dresses that would be fun, but they seem much to bright and fun for the seriousness of NEW YORK. I want something comfortable that can last all day because we're going to stay around and grab drinks/dinner with some friends in the evening.

Anyone have any great suggestions!??!? I NEED HELP! :)


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Monday, June 23, 2008

100 Push-ups

I'm doing it. Who's with me?

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Friday, June 20, 2008

It's All Coming Back

After a few random events, lots of thoughtful reflection and a post on this lovely lady's blog this week I feel as though I'm right back where I was in the middle of January. Things are actually going really well overall these days- - I've had a nice break since tennis was over, I confronted some Jazz issues that seem (for now) to be left alone, I've connected with some old friends and I've got a plan, a *great* plan- - but still, I'm back to the pit-in-my-stomach, why-did-this-happen, can-I-ever-get-over-it kind of feelings. And it's not. that. fun.

Song I've been listening to non-stop?

Should Have Said No - Taylor Swift

It's strange to think the songs we used to sing
The smiles, the flowers, everything: is gone
Yesterday I found out about you
Even now just looking at you: feels wrong
You say that you'd take it all back, given one chance
It was a moment of weakness and you said yes...

You should've said no, you should've gone home
You should've thought twice before you let it all go
You should've know that word, bout what you did with her
Would get back to me...
And I should've been there, in the back of your mind
I shouldn't be asking myself why
You shouldn't be begging for forgiveness at my feet...
You should've said no, baby and you might still have me

You can see that I've been crying
And baby you know all the right things: to say
But do you honestly expect me to believe
We could ever be the same...
You say that the past is the past, you need one chance
It was a moment of weakness and you said yes...

[Repeat Chorus]

I can't resist... before you go, tell me this
Was it worth it...Was she worth this...No... no no no...

[Repeat Chorus]

Happy first day of summer! I'll have a (or three) gin & tonic(s) with all of you in mind this evening...

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

All I Wanna Do, o, o, oooo

I am totally in love with that new Sugarland song- - All I Wanna Do- - listen to it!

I got monitored on Monday night for Jazz. I've been waiting for it to happen since February and it had to be done by the end of the month, so, when I arrived at class there she was- - waiting for me.

I taught an awesome class and the students knew how important it was so they really made me look good and cheered a lot. The monitor was extremely positive and said that she was impressed but my score was lower than I would have hoped (or expected really...). Oh well, I'm trying to just forget about it and move on.

It's a beautiful day here in VT (not supposed to last for long) and I've been up for hours already enjoying it. Here's to a happy Wednesday!

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Parties, Lakes and Drinks

The graduation party on Friday night could not have gone better if I had planned it myself! Oh wait... :) Seriously, it was awesome. I took 1/2 day off Friday to get set up and orgazined and the party was just wonderful. The girls loved it and loved their surprise poem/slideshow (as did everyone else) and it was so fun to have everyone together for a while.

I, of course, enjoyed myself a little too much and ended up at the local bar with full control of the music and microphone (not a good combo). Saturday morning I had the. worst. hangover. and slept until 11:30am. (AH!) I spent the remainder of Saturday recovering and preparing for another birthday party...(my family loves to party, what can I say?!?)

Sunday I slept soundly until 9am, woke up, got my bathing suit on and parked myself by the pool until 1 when we headed out on the lake for the day. It was absolutely gorgeous weather, the water was warm (enough) and I waterskied all afternoon. I'm totally sore today but there is nothing better than being on the lake all day.

Summer is off to a good start. :)

NB: I just ate 1/2 of a watermelon for breakfast... if you're thinking about doing that...don't.

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Graduation Party Tonight!

Whoa. Yesterday was my 300th post! I didn't even know! Fun!

Tonight we are having a graduation party for my two sisters and cousin. It's going to be so. much. fun. All of the family is home for the weekend and my two cousins (sisters of the cousin who is graduating) and my other sister and I have made a slideshow of pictures of the three of them from birth to now AND we wrote a poem that we're going to read to them at the party.

It's lengthy, and filled with inside jokes, but it's pretty humorous. Don't feel inclined to read the whole thing. :)

Oh Little Ones

We started in April and we searched long and hard
For the perfect graduation gift or card
And while we thought something tied with a bow would be nice
Felt that for this special day those just wouldn’t suffice

We wanted something that would honor and commemorate
A, A and K on this special date
And decided the best way to tribute these three
Was to play “Remember When” in front of their friends and family

You see, as their sisters we have many stories to share
About these three “little ones’ and we’re sure they won’t care
That we tell you some things you probably don’t know
So sit back, relax and watch their cheeks glow

Remember when M was babysitting at the house on Creek Glen
And told K and A they couldn’t go to the horse farm again?
With their four year old wishes that verdict did not meet,
So by themselves they walked that half-mile down the street

And we almost hate to bring up that one time in York
When those two were alone on the Emerton porch
And thought that they were being so sneaky and sly
But were caught by the Police throwing peanuts at cars passing by
R would have laughed it off but M was pissed
And they swept that mess ‘til not one shell was missed
We should have learned then not to leave them alone
But luckily these shenanigans they’ve (mostly) outgrown

Don’t think that A has escaped our thoughts,
Because completely innocent she most definitely is not
And she would have gotten in trouble too you can bet
If someone had found she and A dipping Joey in the toilet

Remember when they “discovered” that river and tunnel at camp,
And stripped off their clothes when they became damp?
They left us alone for hours but imagine our disdain
When we found them all naked on the side of Pearl Bay Lane

Or the time that R woke up in the morning at five
To find K jumping on the trampoline outside
When he yelled out the window to see what this was all about
She replied matter of factly, “Oh I’m just hanging out!”

Later he was driving her home and promised to stop for a snack
When he accidentally drove by the store, K was quick to yell from the back,
But she didn’t realize how R’s self-esteem would be destroyed
When the words out of her mouth were, “I said STOP. Fat Boy!”

And in J’s closet they would hang out and play,
Dressing up, dressing down, no matter the day,
It was there that A and A and K
Became Sporty, Posh and Baby Spice respectively
They had that act from Spice World memorized and they sang,
“So you wanna be in my gang, my gang my gang?”

In addition to the Spice Girls there were more, we must confess
That they also dressed up as the cast of Clueless
Anna and Allie always got to play Cher and Dionne
Because they convinced Katie that Amber was the cool one

And we guess now is the perfect time to apologize for that afternoon
When we told you your legs could be shaved with a spoon
We know it wasn’t nice but you have to admit
That you were much too young to really do it.

Oh, and there’s that other time for which we should apologize
And please know that to the three of you we really hated to lie,
But you guys wanted to learn so badly and were just so cute
So we told you that we used diet coke to play beruit

Well that ploy didn’t last long and before we knew it
It was no longer diet coke in those cups that the ping pong balls hit
Whether it was beruit, beer pong or the family favorite- -flip cup
You guys are always game and never give up

The vacations with each other have been so much fun
The ocean, the sand, shaved ice and sun
Whether you were on the beach, the bluff or shopping downtown
In York, Maine you’ve certainly gotten around

When you were younger you were content with the beach and the zoo
Long Sands and Yorks’ Wild Kingdom would certainly do
But as you got older you created more drama
With late night’s downtown at Short Sands and Fun O’Rama

And one February vacation you took your exploits to Hilton Head
Where the fun and craziness was certainly widespread
The long drive, hotel room and week together strengthened your cousinly bond
But only one of you mistakenly ended up in a pond
We do agree that it probably came out of nowhere
And how for that could you possible prepare?
But in the future we encourage you to grab someone’s hand
And follow the sidewalk home, on dry land

Before this poem comes to a close
There are some words of wisdom on you we’d like to impose
You see, we’ve already been here and done this
So this advice and caution please don’t dismiss

Never, ever walk home alone
Even if you’re only going down the road
Always tell a friend who you’re with and where you’ll be
And make sure that someone will get you home safely

When you’re at a bar or party keep your drink in your hand
And ditch the red solo cups for bottles and cans
And no matter how badly you’ve gotta go because of those drinks
It’s really not classy to go in the sink

You’re going to want pizza at the end of the night
But trust us when we say it’s a scary sight
To wake up the next morning next to an empty box
So keep it to one or two slices and save yourself the shock

Get to know your custodian and be friendly and nice
This could be the most important piece of advice
For it is from them that you’ll be getting garbage bags and vacuums
And someone to clean up all of that puke in the bathroom

And you see, college is really an amazing place
That has lots of amenities you should embrace
Like the library, career services, writing center and gym
Really, you’ll be way ahead of the rest of your class and you’ll stay slim!

It’s inevitable that you and your roommate won’t always see eye to eye
But stay calm and composed and think of July
When you’ll be back home with your family and friends
And wishing that you were at school again

Enjoy this summer and good luck at school
We know soon your individual campuses you’ll rule
Over the next four years you’ll be studying Communications, Nursing and Massage Therapy
But no matter what you may become to us you’ll always be,
Three little Danger Fatties.

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Deal or No Deal

I start everyday with a can of diet coke. I used to start everyday with a FOUNTAIN diet coke but in a quest to save some money (even if it's $8/week) I started drinking canned diet coke for my morning fix. Fine.

Every day I bring a 64oz jug of water with me to work. Every day I am supposed (self inflicted) to drink 64oz of water before I leave. Sometimes, if I finish my water and I want a treat in the afternoon I let myself have another diet coke. If I don't finish my water- - no diet coke for me.

Well, today that diet coke is calling my name but I've got 14oz of water laughing in my face.

They're going DOWN.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What the HAIL?!?

We got some SEVERE thunder storms yesterday afternoon and with severe thunderstorms comes...SEVERE HAIL.

It was like being attacked by irate golfers.

And my car looks like it's recovering from childhood acne.

*photos from a coworker

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fuel Your Anger

In my neck of the woods gas reached over $4/gallon yesterday ($4.09). When I bought my car in July of 2006 my dad bought me my first tank of gas- - it cost him $44.78. I filled my tank on Sunday morning and it topped off at $76.35.

This totally sucks.


Monday, June 09, 2008

It's Official

I am in summer mode. The weather has been absolutely beautiful and I just want to be outside all. day. long. My weekend was so busy but it strangely felt really long and almost relaxing. 48 hours of non-stop plans but they were FUN and this week is starting to look crazy too... here's my weekend:

5pm- home
5:15- work out
6:15-shower/get ready
7:00- out the door for drinks at a friend's
8:30- graduation celebration dinner
11- home
11:45- airport to pick up weekend visitor
1am- BED at housesitting house

6am- wake up/let dog out/get ready
6:45am- depart for graduation
7:00- stop for donuts & foutain diet cokes to get me through the 8am ceremony
7:15-inside high school gym ready for graduation
10:30- head back to housesitting house to let the dog out
11-home to regroup
11:15 grocery store to get beer for party later that night
12pm- lunch at Costco (hot dog and diet coke for $1.50...)
12:30-depart for Graduation Party 2 hours away
2:30-Friend's Graduation Party
3:30- depart for home
5:30- Pig Roast
8pm- Headed home but stopped at a local bar that has just been redone...
1am - Stayed WAY later than I anticipated...BED!

4:45am- wake up/let dog out
4:55- leave to bring weekend visitor back to airport
5:30am- home (laundry/projects)
8:30am- depart for day trip with neighbor and his grandkids
9am-4pm- CRAZY KID FILLED DAY- aquariums, boat rides, lunches, beaches)
4:15- Jazz
5:30- shower, catch up with family
6:30- more projects
7:50- BED. :)

Wow. If you made it this far...I'll try not to be so boring tomorrow. :)

This week I've got my tennis banquet, sister's/cousin's graduation party, a tennis match and a birthday party.

Here comes the Fun.

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Friday, June 06, 2008

Thursday Night blah, blah blah

I'm still house/dog sitting so last night after jazz I headed over to the house and thought I should enjoy the beautiful evening it turned out to be so... I grabbed a couple of beers and hopped in the hot tub to watch the sunset. By. Myself. This may not seem like a huge deal but when you're from a family of 6 (plus whichever friend/relative/person happens to be at the house any given night) there just isn't much time to be alone. I'll admit- - it was a little weird at first...and I never drink alone so I felt like I was breaking some kind of rule, but it was so fun and so relaxing. I sat out there until the bugs came out.

When I went inside I put on my sweats and got comfortable in the best chair I have ever sat in. I need one. I can't find a picture of one online but it's kind of like a leather office chair...with a footstool, that reclines AND HAS A SWIVELING ARM THAT HOLDS YOUR LAPTOP. I have been in computer heaven this week because of this chair. It's so easy to watch tv and be on the computer at the same time. And your lap doesn't get hot. And you don't have to find a place to put your computer when you get up to go to the bathroom. So I spent the remainder of the evening watching Swingtown (um, can't quite figure this out... the whole 70's thing makes me uncomfortable for some reason and that lady, Susan? Looks like Brie Hodge and it's annoying) and downloading songs in itunes. I LOVE the ituned recommendation feature. I "found" over 20 songs last night that I didn't know existed that I now- - LOVE.

The sisters are graduating from high school tomorrow... wow. :)

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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Moment of Truth

Has anyone seen this show? I watched it for 10 minutes last night before I had to turn it off- - that stuff is CRAZY. How do they know which questions to ask? It seems like they know the answers to them before they're even asked...what a terrible show.


Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Totally forgot I was going to be filmed first thing this morning for an upcoming tv segment. I wore an outfit I wouldn't have chosen for TV and my hair had that... running-late-because-I-had-6am-Jazz-and-then-had-to-bring-the-dog-to-Doggie-Daycare-all-before-7:30am wet, pulled back look.

Darn it. :)


Monday, June 02, 2008


Wow. Is it really June already? I feel like I was just saying this about May... I had the most enjoyable weekend- - in a really long time.

I went Friday night to see Sex and the City (it hasn't gotten great reviews, but I LOVED it) with my sisters and three friends. While I was in the movie I got a text from the ex that he was coming to visit for the weekend (glossing over this part- - please indulge me), and spent the remainder of Friday evening hanging out at home.

Saturday morning I had a tennis match then we met my college tennis coach for lunch. He was recruiting in the area so we met him on Church Street for a few hours. It's always so much fun to see him. It's crazy how you can spend four years of your life seeing someone for hours everyday and then suddenly- - you graduate- - and really never see them at ALL anymore! I've been so busy with my real job, Jazzercise and tennis that I have not had a chance at all lately to run so Saturday evening I thought it would be fun to hit the road. Well, because I had a friend to come with me I wanted to try this loop that I've always been too scared to try by myself... off we went! It ended up being almost 7 miles and by the end I was SWEATY and SORE and TIRED but it felt SO good and it was a personal best for me.

Saturday evening we headed out to dinner and just spend the rest of the night relaxing/having fun/drinking. :)

I started a house/dog sitting gig yesterday. We all know how THAT went the last time so hopefully this will be better. The house though, is an extra 15 minutes out of my way to EVERYTHING which kind of stinks but it's right on the lake and they've got a hot tub and kayaks so... I guess I can suck it up for the next seven days.

This is getting too long but we have tennis playoffs Wednesday and my two youngest sisters graduate from High School on Saturday morning... it's going to be a busy week!

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